Messages file: /plugins/<plugin>/Language
You can place multiple locales in the plugin's Language folder to display different locales depending on the player's client locale.
Display a Message
As a Title
Just add #t#
in front of the message.
Whereas in
is the fade in time, stay
the stay time and out
the fade out time. These are provided in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) and are optional. This title would fade in half a second, stay for 3 seconds and fade out for 0.25 seconds. The times in this example are the default ones.
As an Actionbar
Just add #a#
in front of the message.
As a Bossbar
Just add #b#
in front of the message.
Whereas color, style and time are optional configuration options. This bossbar would be solid, green and would last 6 seconds. Click here to see a list of available colors.
Hex Colors
You can use hex colors by just adding the hex color code in front of any text.
Example: #4287f5SomeFancyName
where #4287f5
is the hex color code and SomeFancyName
the colored text.
You can use placeholders from 3rd party plugins via PlaceholderAPI in chat messages and GUI menus.
Clickable Chat Messages
You can make every chat message clickable. Means you can set a hover, command or suggested command (copy to cmd input). Please note that this is not applicable to general strings like prefix etc.
Configure Custom Text:
Syntax for custom text:
Execute command:
Suggest command:
Example Usage:
Will display as:
Disable messages
For example disabling land enter messages in Lands:
Set them to an empty string:
The welcome messages won't display anymore.
Disable the prefix for a specific Message
Just insert [noprefix]
in front of the message. Example:
Filter Swear Words and forbidden Names
Edit the swear-words
list in your language file. They are case-insensitive. Example:
Last updated